You don’t have to feel stuck anymore
EMDR Therapy in Sandy, Utah
You’ve been through some painful experiences, and notice they still affect you.
You’ve coped the best you can, learned tools and strategies, but you’re still having the same unwanted reactions. You’re resilient and have dealt with a lot, but you don’t feel like you’re thriving. Your body might feel stress and anxiety when you’re around a particular person, in a certain situation, or experiencing an uncomfortable emotion. Despite all the effort you put into feeling better, it’s not really changing.
you’re still feeling…
Stuck and shut-down
Anxious and stressed
Overwhelmed by painful emotions
EMDR therapy can help you.
EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, is an evidence-based therapy that helps the brain and body reprocess difficult experiences so you feel calmer. It works to repair the mental injury that can come from a traumatic event.
EMDR can help you shift negative beliefs, feelings, and body sensations so you are no longer stuck in the same patterns.
EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (right and left movement) to calm the brain while reprocessing a painful experience. The bilateral movement helps reduce distress, anxiety, and overwhelm so you can feel calmer and more neutral.
EMDR therapy helps facilitate the brain's natural healing process, so you're not as affected by difficult memories, triggers, and emotions.
It follows 8 phases that shift negative core beliefs, body sensations, and overwhelming emotions.
EMDR therapy starts with:
Obtaining background information about you
Identifying past experiences that are linked to how you feel now in the present
Using tools to help you feel calmer and more confident
When you feel ready to work through something difficult, bilateral stimulation will be used to reduce overwhelm and support your brain's natural healing process.
EMDR therapy can also help with current triggers, not just the past. It allows you to feel more in-control and confident when you face challenges in the future.
EMDR therapy can help your body feel calmer and no longer have unwanted reactions when you're triggered.
By reprocessing past experiences, they move from being distressing, to becoming calm and neutral. You can then move forward with more confidence and peace.
Lasting change occurs with EMDR, because you are directly addressing the origins of painful emotions and negative beliefs. EMDR helps your brain store traumatic memories in an adaptive way, instead of a maladaptive way
The 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy
History taking and treatment planning
Preparation & stabilization
Access the past experience & reprocess it (desensitize disturbance)
Installation- increase connections to positive beliefs
Body Scan - reduce any discomfort held in the body
PHASEs 7-8
Closure & Re-evaluation
EMDR can help with…
Anxiety & panic
Relationship problems
Post-traumatic stress
Big emotional reactions
A sudden loss or accident
A traumatic birth, death, or other life event
Sexual/physical abuse
Painful childhood memories
it’s important to know that:
Whatever you’ve been through doesn’t have to permanently affect you.
Is EMDR right for you?
EMDR is a good fit for you if you…
Have experienced something difficult and painful, that still affects you today
Are struggling to deal with a challenging person in your life
Notice patterns in your relationships that you want to change
Feel stuck, even though you’ve tried several things to feel better
Have anxiety or stress that feels overwhelming
Want lasting change instead of managing your symptoms
What we’ll work on
With EMDR, you can…
Overcome obstacles that have kept you stuck in the same feelings and patterns
Feel less anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed
No longer feel the same reactions and beliefs when you’re reminded of a past experience
Gain a better understanding of how your past experiences have affected you today
Your past doesn’t have to define your future
Questions about emdr?
No, EMDR therapy is not hypnosis. You are fully aware and in control of the process.
The bilateral stimulation (right/left movement) aids your brain's natural ability to process information, and calms the areas that process stress, anxiety, and emotions.
You don't need to know what memories to process. I'm here to help you identify your major pain-points so you can feel the most relief.
It's also okay if you don't know what's affecting you from your past. We'll explore the unwanted feelings, beliefs, or reactions you're having and where they are coming from.
It's okay if you're not certain about whether its trauma. The important thing is addressing the overall impact your experiences have had on you. Ask yourself:
What beliefs did I form about myself and other people?
Was what I went through painful and difficult?
Was I overwhelmed and alone?
How do I want to move forward with my life now?
These are all things that can be addressed with EMDR therapy.